
.: So Much To Do, So Little Knowledge :.

I have decided I need to marry a really simple man who is not an intellectual.

That is, if I ever get married, which is doubtful.

I have an idea for a new business and no idea of how to implement it.

I need to be happy more often and worry less, and I wish I knew how to accomplish this goal.

It's ok not to be one of the cool kids...I think I am getting too old to care if I am cool or not. Maybe it's better just to do what I enjoy rather than doing what other people think of as acceptable.

I need to stop being so bitterly envious of my cousins. I don't know how to do that either.

So I guess the message of the day is, I have a lot that I need to do, and I don't know how to do any of it.

Suggestions are welcome.


.: 10:34 A.M. :.
.: Tuesday, Jul. 23, 2002 :.


.: << :: >> :.
