
.: Maybe A Job, Maybe Not - And Some Teen Pop, Of Course :.

I will know tomorrow whether or not I'm going on this wild new journey. It looks 99% certain at this point. My dad even called his brother to tell him that he was leaving soon for worlds unknown.

You never know...things sometimes fall through just as you're packing to leave...but this looks very likely to happen.

Funny how life just turns on a dime, huh?


Another thing. I discovered that Ashley Angel bleaches his hair. I was disillusioned. Erik has halitosis and Ashley has dark roots. No wonder they've come together in a union of love.

Jacob is still a tool.


One more note on teen pop.

Does anyone else get really bitter after watching those MTV "How To Live Like A [insert musical genre here] Star"?

I do.

I should be living that life, not this one.

Anyway, I noticed the last special, "How To Live Like A Pop Star" was rather heavy on Willa Ford. Which begs the obvious question - who the heck *is* Willa Ford? Why is she famous? What does she do? What has she done (other than Nick Carter, heh heh)?

People who are famous for no apparent reason bother me, partially because it's just annoying and partially because I too would like to be famous for no apparent reason, and wonder how they made it happen.

Anyway...I still don't know who Willa Ford is.


For my other "Creek" fans...I really loathe Joey's professor. He is the definition of "smarmy". He always wears turtle necks. My father told me never to trust a man wearing a turtle neck.

And I'd like to see Pacey become America's own version of the Naked Chef.

He does wear an apron well, doesn't he girls?


I'll let everyone know tomorrow if I'm going or not, and if so, where and when.

Until then...goodnight!!

Now Playing: "I'm Outta Love" - Anastacia


.: 9:58 P.M. :.
.: Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2002 :.


.: << :: >> :.
