
.: Sour Girl :.

Yesterday was a day of such sucky magnitude that it's better not spoken of or thought of, much less written of, so I am going to talk about today instead.

We all three took a day off, which we needed. A day off from what, you might ask. We're three unemployed people. A day off from LIFE. We cooked, we did crochet, we went to pick up our mail, we watched it rain, we hugged our cat.

The priest who baptized me and gave me first communion surprised us with a visit today. He's retired and I hadn't seen him since the late 80's. It made me feel good just to have him in my house. He's special.


I got my prizes from "the rose pageant" - those of you who compete in my realm will know what I mean. They were absolutely beautiful and I was thrilled. It was hard to read the comments from the judges, like it always is...it's hard to let other people evaluate your looks and your life and offer comment, but that's the price of doing something that ultimately is rewarding. But it *is* a price. Tonight I watched "True Life: I'm A Beauty Queen" and cried everytime someone lost. I think it was more my mood causing the tears, but the subject matter was an effective trigger. On the other hand, these girls looked like supermodels and still bombed out, so it made me feel better about bombing out in my little world of plus size contests and photogenics. Everyone bombs. And then sometimes you win and it's totally worth it.

I really didn't mean to talk about this, I don't know why I did it.


I got tons of yarn and some new patterns yesterday. I got a book of hat patterns so soon my freeze dried cousin will get a hat in the mail from me along with a tape, which now includes the episode of "Friends" where Rachel finds out the gender of her unborn baby. I was really pleased with what's she's having, aren't you all?

I also got 3 new cds. Two of which are Mariah Carey...something is happening here...I'm not sure what or why, but it is...


I promise to be more fun tomorrow. I realize this entry and the one before it were very drippy. I'll be better soon.

And so - goodnight!!!


Now Playing: "Sour Girl" - Stone Temple Pilots


.: 11:24 P.M. :.
.: Thursday, Jan. 17, 2002 :.


.: << :: >> :.
