
.: 50/50 :.

It's a strange place I'm in, and I don't mean location.

It's odd to be both happy and unhappy at the same time.

I am so very happy with where I am living now - the city, at least, although this tiny room leaves much to be desired. I am enjoying this sprawling metropolis with the joy of a death row inmate with a pardon.

But...I am so very unhappy with myself. I see other people writing in their diaries about unhappiness with their lives: their job sucks, they don't have a signifigant other, their friends disappoint them, their families are a mess...but not me.

I am just unhappy with myself and how very little I have managed to do with my life.

Sometimes when I look at how much time I spent just trying to survive as compared to people who have really achieved something...I know how far I have to go.


What a long strange trip it's been.


.: 3:18 A.M. :.
.: Monday, Apr. 08, 2002 :.


.: << :: >> :.
